My blog
The Power To Decide
Spanish version published on Medium Taking control of your life, deciding who to date, how to dress, or even what to order at a bar seems pretty basic. However, for many people with disabilities, even their most basic decisions are questioned. The Mexican...
Similarities and Differences in Pandemic Recovery Funding in Europe vs. the United States
The United States and the European Union have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic with major recovery funding plans. While the plans of these two economic powerhouses share much in common, there is a fundamental difference in the amount of funding reserved for local...
Similitudes y diferencias en el financiamiento para la recuperación de la pandemia en Europa vs Estados Unidos
Estados Unidos y la Unión Europea (UE) han respondido a la pandemia de COVID-19 con importantes planes de financiamiento para la recuperación. Si bien los planes de estas dos potencias económicas comparten muchas similitudes, hay una diferencia fundamental en la...
What Have You Lost In The Metaverse?
Spanish version published on Medium “The metaverse is the future.” “Find out how the metaverse will transform our lives.” I am sure that in the last couple of months, you have read headlines about the metaverse. It is often touted as one of the most...
¿Qué se te ha perdido en el metaverso?
“El metaverso es el futuro” “Descubre cómo el metaverso transformará nuestra vida” Estoy seguro de que en los últimos meses has leído varias veces estos titulares y es que el metaverso es uno de esos proyectos emocionantes que surgen del desarrollo de la industria del...
How Do Consumer Climate Incentives in the United States Compare to European Incentives?
The recently passed Inflation Reduction Act includes a wide range of climate change incentives to encourage American consumers to switch to a “greener” lifestyle. These incentives are expected to bring the United States closer to the climate-focused policies of many...
¿Cómo se comparan los incentivos climáticos para los consumidores en Estados Unidos con los incentivos europeos?
La recientemente aprobada Acta de Reducción de Inflación incluye una amplia gama de incentivos para el cambio climático destinados a alentar a los consumidores estadounidenses a adoptar un estilo de vida más "verde". Se prevé que estos incentivos acerquen a Estados...
What Are the Societal Benefits of Green Jobs?
The planet is in the midst of a climate crisis, and immediate action is needed to avoid dire consequences. Green jobs could be an integral part of saving the planet from the impending devastation of climate change. In addition to making the planet healthier, green...
¿Cuáles son los beneficios sociales de los empleos verdes o ecológicos?
El planeta se encuentra en medio de una crisis climática y se necesita una acción inmediata para evitar consecuencias catastróficas. Los empleos verdes o ecológicos podrían ser una parte integral para salvar al planeta de la devastación inminente ocasionada por el...
If You Do Not Dance, The Concert Is Over
Spanish Version published on Medium I love to go to concerts and see my favorite artists live. The happiness you feel after a show is even proven by science! However, how much does a celebration like this cost our planet? Coldplay, a group that has been inspiring us...